Monday, July 8, 2013

Police called to violent altercation discovered woman was requesting boyfriend to stop farting

Police in Michigan are shaking their heads after a suspected domestic violence call turned out to be something else entirely.

Clawson Police Chief Harry Anderson says a woman dialed 911 when she heard what sounded like a violent altercation between her neighbours at an apartment complex. “One of the neighbors had heard somebody yelling - a female yelling … she was possibly being hit - yelling, ‘Stop! No!’” Anderson said.

Police arrived within minutes. When they knocked on the door to the unit, Anderson said, a woman told officers she was indeed shouting, ‘Stop!’ — but that her boyfriend was not beating her. “The female that was inside stated that her boyfriend had continued to pass gas, and she was yelling at him to stop,” Anderson said.

The officers’ report states that police then, 'Cleared the scene expeditiously.' “It’s quite often that we respond to things that have a funny twist to them - and this was definitely one for the books,” Anderson said.

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