Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rich Greek graffiti found in Smyrna's agora

A rich Greek graffiti collection has been found in the İzmir (Greek Smyrna) agora during excavation work in the area. The graffiti shows daily life in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Rich Greek graffiti found in Smyrna's agora
The graffiti shows daily life in the Hellenistic and Roman periods [Credit: DHA]
The graffiti is estimated to date back to the 2nd and 4th centuries A.D. Experts have said the graffiti was the richest Greek graffiti collection in the world. Besides writing and paintings done with paint, there are also dozens of carvings on the wall.

The graffiti shows that İzmir was very tolerant even in ancient times. The writings on the wall mention the names of different cities, showing tolerance of other cultures.

There are many different figures in the graffiti, from trade ships to gladiators. There are also confessions; one read, “I love someone who does not love me.” One inscription read, “The gods healed my eyes, this is why I dedicate an oil lamp to the gods.” Another piece of graffiti read, “The one who ensouls,” which symbolized Jesus Christ in early Christianity. There are also riddles that have not yet been solved on the walls.

Professor Cumhur Tanrıver said İzmir had the most Greek graffiti in the world. “There are some pieces of graffiti under the plaster as well that we cannot prepare yet. We are having talks with Swiss experts to uncover them without damaging the ones on the top layer.” 

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