Friday, July 19, 2013

This week in the War on Workers: christian voucher school cheated Louisiana out of big money

Them good ol' Christian values at work!

From Daily Kos

Remember the New Living Word School in Louisiana? It's a christian school that was getting a whole bunch of vouchers from the state despite teaching straight from DVD and having no library - but a great basketball team. When we last saw New Living Word, Louisiana was expanding the number of vouchers the school could get. But now, the school has been booted from the voucher program altogether.

Louisiana law requires that a school participating in the scholarship program not charge the state more for tuition than it charges for non-scholarship students.

[Superintendent John] White said the audit revealed that the non-scholarship students at the school were not paying the $6300 tuition per student that the school was charging the state. [...]

According to White, the school now owes the state $378,000 that the audit shows the school overcharged.

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