Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today in History

1453   France defeats England at Castillon, France, ending the Hundred Years' War.
1762   Peter III of Russia is murdered and his wife, Catherine II, takes the throne.
1785   France limits the importation of goods from Britain.
1791   National Guard troops open fire on a crowd of demonstrators in Paris.
1799   Ottoman forces, supported by the British, capture Aboukir, Egypt from the French.
1801   The U.S. fleet arrives in Tripoli.
1815   Napoleon Bonaparte surrenders to the British at Rochefort, France.
1821   Andrew Jackson becomes the governor of Florida.
1864   Confederate President Jefferson Davis replaces General Joseph E. Johnston with General John Bell Hood in hopes of defeating Union General William T. Sherman outside Atlanta.
1898   U.S. troops under General William R. Shafter take Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
1944   Field Marshall Erwin Rommel is wounded when an Allied fighter strafes his staff car in France.
1946   Chinese communists attack the Nationalist army on the Yangtze River.
1960   American pilot Francis Gary Powers pleads guilty to spying charges in a Moscow court.
1966   Ho Chi Minh orders a partial mobilization of North Vietnam to defend against American airstrikes.
1987   Lt. Col. Oliver North and Rear Adm. John Poindexter begin testifying to Congress regarding the Iran-Contra scandal.

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