Friday, August 23, 2013

A 20,000-year-old stone pendant found in Eastern Romania

Scientific Minds Want To Know
A 20,000-year-old stone pendant, with unique decorative elements, has been discovered in Piatra Neamt (north-west of Bucharest) by a team of researchers from Targoviste, the director of the Gheorghe Dumitroaia Neamt County Museum Complex told Agerpres.
20,000-year-old stone pendant found in Eastern Romania
The 20,000 year old pendant [Credit: Nine o'clock]
“The discovery was made at the Paleolithic archaeological site from Poiana Ciresului, the pendant being the third object of its kind ever discovered in Romania. There were also discovered, in the same area, bones of reindeer and bison, since the settlement was used as a hunters’ camp,” Dimitroaia said.
Archaeological research in Poiana Ciresului, located in the Batca Doamnei area in Piatra Neamt County, started 20 years ago. 

However, this year’s discoveries are among the most important ones, as they complete data that was already available on the existence of the Gravettian culture in Romania. The research team is headed by University Professor Dr. Marin Carciumaru, who was also present in Piatra Neamt.

Among the discoveries made at the same archeological site in the past few years there was also a very well-preserved necklace made of snails, which is an extremely rare object.

The team of researchers believes that the archaeological site in Poiana Ciresului is the most important in South-East Europe for the upper Paleolithic, given that here they discovered more items from the upper Paleolithic period than in the entire Romania, for which reason the team wants to expand research

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