Saturday, August 17, 2013

A two-year-old taken from Parents, Murdered

Criminal Minds
Yes, it's another marijuana-related death IN TEXAS
Two-year-old Alexandria Hill was placed in foster care after her parents were caught smoking marijuana in their home while she slept. Authorities charged them with "neglectful supervision," and just months away from getting their baby back, the parents learned they would never see their young child again. Placed in a foster home to protect her from them, Alexandria was brutally beaten to death by her care-giver

The tragedy raises questions about laws equating marijuana use with neglect, particularly when the punishment involves placing a child in a potentially abusive environment, away from loving parents. Incidents of abuse are higher than average in foster homes, and children often struggle to thrive away from their parents. Thus, the removal of children from their parents' home should be executed rarely and only in times of absolute necessity.


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