Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All 25,000 Students in Liberia Failed University Admission Exam

If you thought you did badly on that university entrance exam, take heart: at least some of your classmates aced it. Not so in Liberia: every student that took the test for admission to the University of Liberia failed it.
Nearly 25,000 school-leavers failed the test for admission to the University of Liberia, one of two state-run universities. [...]
Many schools lack basic education material and teachers are poorly qualified, reports the BBC's Jonathan Paye-Layleh reports from the capital, Monrovia.
However, this is the first time that every single student who wrote the exam for a fee of $25 (£16) has failed, our reporter says.
It means that the overcrowded university will not have any new first-year students when it reopens next month for the academic year, he adds.
The BBC has the story: Here.

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