Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Book Returned to Library 150 Years Later

Odds and Sods

Volume two of the eight volume work Ancient Civilizations by French historian Charles Rollin has finally been returned to the library.
Centre College in Danville, Ky., received the 185-year-old book last week after a student intern found it while taking inventory of books in exhibit rooms at the Jacobs Hall Museum at nearby Kentucky School for the Deaf.

The book was published in 1828, but "there's no way of knowing when the book might have been checked out," according to Stan Campbell, director of library services at Centre College.

"It's been out of the library for at least 150 years," Campbell told
The only clue as to how long the book had been out is a note found in it, dated 1854. The seven other volumes of the collection are still missing -and have been since anyone can remember. More

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