Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Colorado repugican cabal Probe of Alleged Voter Fraud Comes up Empty

Lunatic Fringe
The Republican Secretary of State's investigation of alleged voter fraud is more a political wild goose chase than it is a serious attempt to root out actual voter…
Colorado GOP Probe of Alleged Voter Fraud Comes up Empty
A month ago, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (r) sent a letter to Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garrett requesting that he verify the eligibility of seventeen voters suspected of illegally voting as non-citizens. The suspicion was apparently based on the seventeen voters submitting a green card or work visa as identification when they applied for their Colorado driver’s licenses. Garnett’s office was able to easily verify that all seventeen voters were in fact legal US citizens who were eligible to vote and that none of the  voters had broken any election laws. Garnett questioned the motives of the Secretary of State ‘s probe, stating:

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