Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Democracy Cannot Succeed When Voters Are the Only Group Without a Lobbyist

Did You Know ...
lobbyusBetween the Wall Street lobby, the health insurance lobby, the nuclear-waste-creation lobby, the pharmaceutical lobby, the oil lobby, the coal lobby, the NRA lobby, the bankster lobby, the GMO/agribusiness lobby, the Pentagon lobby, the war profiteer lobby, the CIA/NSA lobby, the tobacco lobby, the anti-regulations lobby, the AIPAC lobby, the billionaires club lobby, the pro-pollution lobby, the anti-education lobby, the offshore tax haven lobby, the anti-Social-Security lobby, the privatize Medicare lobby, the hedge fund lobby, the deforestation lobby, the anti-union lobby, the sell-off-our-post-offices lobby, the media-monopoly lobby, the food additive lobby, the strip-mining lobby, the Keystone XL Pipeline lobby, the pesticide lobby, the chemical lobby, the fracking lobby, the slave wages at home and abroad lobby, and a list of other lobbyists that extends from DC to LA, it's a wonder that any of the rest of us Americans are even still alive and functioning at all -- and still even have all our arms and legs too, at least some of us.

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