Saturday, August 17, 2013

Drunk Chinese man nearly shipped to US after mistaking shipping container at port for his B&B

Impaired Human News 
A man who drunkenly wandered into a 60-foot shipping container thinking it was his hotel woke up to find he'd been sealed in ready for a two-week journey to America.
Jiang Wu woke up after a big night in Qingdao, eastern China, in the sealed container that was one hour away from the long trip to Los Angeles. He had mistaken the container for his B&B and had to phone the police to get out.
"The container was sealed and he couldn't get out so he called everyone he knew for help and called us too," a police spokesman said. "His problem was, though, that he couldn't tell us which container he was in and there were thousands of them stacked on top of each other."

Police eventually found him in a container stacked 18 metres in the air, following the hammering sounds he made.

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