Friday, August 23, 2013

Fifteen Famous Companies That Originally Sold Something Else

Odds and Sods

In the world of business, you have to be ready to switch gears, or even make a complete turnabout, for a better opportunity. If what you're selling isn't optimal, sell something else. If the bonus you're giving away is more popular than your main product, maybe you should rethink your main product. That was the case with William Wrigley, who started out in 1891 trying to sell some exciting products: soap and baking powder.
Like Avon, the chewing gum company got its start with a popular freebie. William Wrigley, Jr. founded the company in 1891 with the goal of selling soap and baking powder. He offered chewing gum as an enticement to his customers, and eventually the customers didn't care about the baking powder; they only wanted the gum.
Yes, what eventually became Avon started out as a guy selling books door to door. Read that and other stories about companies that changed their product and became renowned for their better idea. More

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