Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hilarity Ensues When Wingnuts Try to Protest Facebook and Utterly Fail

Wingnuts couldn't even get 30,000 patriots to participate in a 24 hour Facebook protest from their basement. …
gop fail
If they’ve ever wondered why they cannot compete with the Civil Rights movement, on top of not having an actual issue other than resentment at minorities and women, wingnuts have answered their own question now.
While tens of thousands showed up from around the country to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, wingnuts couldn’t even get 30,000 patriots to participate in a Facebook protest from their basement.
Wingnuts scheduled a protest against Facebook for Sunday the 25th of August, because Facebook apparently hasn’t let them post all of the racist, threatening things they are free to tweet. SO UNFAIR.
David Phillips at the Las Vegas Democrat Examiner reported:
The organizers of the “blackout” have set up an event page on Facebook so people can sign up and send out invitations to other like-minded people to join the “blackout”. At the time of this writing, 27,735 people have agreed to go dark for the 24 hour period. Another 223,970 people on Facebook have been sent invitations but have not responded.
On the event page it says, “We are organizing a nationwide “blackout” of Facebook to protest their arbitrary and capricious policies targeting wingnuts with censoring and suspensions. We are asking for all conservatives to suspend (deactivate) their accounts for at least 24 hours on August 25th. If you are a business or promoting a page and have a FB advertising account, we are asking that you also suspend that for 24 hours.”
Oh, way to win for wingnut businesses—take yourselves out of the market because your brethren aren’t allowed to post threats to other people. It’s called pouting.
But there was a day when CNN would have raced to cover this, even if only one “patriot” showed up. Things are really looking dreary for the wingnuts, with the media assisting the repugican cabal in their Tamp Down the Crazy public relations efforts.
Since hardly anyone did show up, the wingnuts shut down the event page. It’s no longer accessible.
“This page will not be accessible after the 25th. We would like to carry this energy and momentum forward as a permanent movement to address, not only the Facebook issue, but other pressing issues of importance to us as conservatives. In that vein, we have started a Facebook group where we can all meet after this event to organize and ‘strategize’ our future plans. The group is called “The Liberty Tree” because the liberty tree was a tree in Boston which is considered the birthplace of the American Revolution and where the patriots gathered. “
Now they want all of the protest members to join them ON FACEBOOK – for a 'protest' day – at their new Facebook Page, The Liberty Tree. Yes, this is just like the Revolution, only people actually showed up to the Revolution and they put their lives on the line for freedom, as opposed to being too lazy to abstain from using Facebook for a day. We’ve been trying to tell wingnuts that abstinence doesn’t work…
It’s bizarre, but wingnuts seem to expect that a private business like Facebook owes them, the consumers who do not pay a dime for the service, a platform and are not allowed to set any rules because FREEDOM. Someone will have to explain that First Amendment again one day to the “constitutional wingnuts”.
1,300 'patriots' have joined the Tree of Liberty Facebook page, including a few of my own friends who are decidedly liberal. Cue another dizzying combination of self-pity meeting paranoia, and passing itself off as a Revolutionary War hero. All the world is a conspiracy against wingnutss – they just know it.

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