Friday, August 9, 2013

In case you forgot, the shrub sucked

Lunatic Fringe 
The shrub has the same approval rating as President Obama? How can this be? Have the American people really forgotten about all of "Dubya's" shortcomings? But it's true, in a recent poll, the shrub was neck and neck with President Obama. Let's take a look at some of the less than exemplary actions of the shrub.

He started a "Nation Building" war in Iraq over WMD's that never existed in the first place. We never found any WMD's there, and probably never will. He approved a giant unfunded Medicare drug benefit even though the system had gone broke. He completely failed in dealing with Hurricane Katrina. He never vetoed one single bill until two years after he was in office. He failed to make any of the tax cuts that he put in place, permanent. He appointed absolute morons to high level positions solely on the basis that they were part of his daddy's little clique.    

He had no post war plan for Iraq; he just left the mess for the next president to deal with. He allowed torture by saying that The Geneva Convention did not apply to "enemy combatants." A couple of weeks before 9/11, while on vacation at his ranch in Crawford Texas, he ignored a memo from the CIA that said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US." He entered Iraq without a U.N. mandate. He didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol, which was a treaty that states that participating countries lower their greenhouse emissions.

He didn't supply our military with the proper body armor for the war in Iraq. He didn't include Louisiana's coastal parishes in a state of emergency for Hurricane Katrina. He gave the wealthiest Americans tax cuts trying to keep in line with the trickle-down theory originally introduced during the Reagan administration. He restricted the research of embryonic stem cells.

When it came time to rebuild the nation that he helped to destroy, he awarded the reconstruction contracts to Halliburton, who was incidentally Vice President Cheney's former employer. Shortly after 9/11 the shrub made it legal for wiretaps to take place without a warrant. He failed to capture Osama Bin Laden even after that should have been his primary goal following 9/11.

The shrub screwed this country over something awful. In this Liberal's opinion, he is by far the worst leader this country has ever had. I am really shocked that the shrub and President Obama currently have the same approval rating. That just goes to show you what can happen when we get a paranoid lunatic fringe in America, such as the tea party. They dumb down American politics. They have truly given the stupid a voice in which they can give their hero, the shrub "Dubya"  a better approval rating.

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