Thursday, August 22, 2013

In The News

In The News

Scientifically accurate "Finding Nemo" 

In which Nemo's mother dies, his father switches sex, and Nemo grows up into a male in order to mate with his now-female living parent. It's the ciiiiirrrrrcle of liiiiffffe! 

Some cute animals photos may have not-so-cute back stories 

A photo analysis written in Chinese and translated by photographer Jenn Wei claims that a lot of ostensible nature photos featuring cute frogs, lizards, and snails are actually staged shots. The animals are likely to be pet store critters and, in some cases, were probably even manipulated in abusive ways, such as hanging up a frog's arms and legs with string to force it into a clever pose.

The chemistry behind Walter White's famous meth

At Popular Mechanics, an analytical chemist uses clues from Breaking Bad to explain both the real science behind Walter White's meth formula, and the key flaw that either means the show's writers are taking a little artistic license or Walter is even more of a chemistry genius than anybody thought. 

Your right brain is not creative

Creativity is actually more than one thing, it happens in many different parts of your brain, and it is DEFINITELY NOT confined to the brain's right hemisphere. At Beautiful Minds, Scott Barry Kaufman talks about the complex processes that get glossed over in our pop-sci understanding of creative thinking

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