Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just What Exactly Do repugicans Stand For?

Lunatic Fringe
Trying to figure out exactly what the repugican cabal stands for has been something I’ve pondered for quite a while.
If you listen to their rhetoric, the answer is easy.  However, looking at reality, it completely contradicts nearly everything they say they support.
They don’t stand for freedom, as they continue to support legislation that denies basic freedoms for homosexuals, women and people who follow religions other than christianity.
They don’t stand for small government, as they’ve recently supported constitutional amendments that define marriage and redefine what constitutes being an American citizen.  Not to mention they were the party which orchestrated one of the most intrusive piece of legislation our nation has ever seen—the Patriot Act.
They don’t stand for a fiscally conservative government, especially considering there has yet to be a single repugican president since Eisenhower, who served from 1953-1961, who has balanced the budget.  In fact, every repugican president since Eisenhower didn’t just increase our deficits— they set records for growth in our national debt.
They don’t stand for christian values, because jesus christ stood for love, hope, compassion, acceptance, helping those less fortunate than ourselves, not judging others and forgiveness—traits which the repugican Party seems to strongly oppose.
They don’t support of our military, as repugican presidents have frequently sent our military into pointless wars where hundreds of thousands have been killed, or severely wounded to the point where they will suffer from these disabilities for the rest of their lives.
They don’t stand for constitutional values, as they frequently support violating those constitutionally-upheld laws which they disagree with.
It’s really easy to come up with a nice slogan, some rhetoric or a tagline that sounds good—hell anyone can do it.   But I was always taught that actions speak louder than words.
In one breath wingnuts say they’re for a fiscally conservative small government which protects our freedoms, yet their actions completely contradict that.
So looking at those actions, I really don’t have a clue what it is these people believe in.

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