Friday, August 16, 2013

Neighbors want family's handicap ramp removed as it may harm the value of their home

Bad Neighbors - Behaving Badly
A handicap ramp in front of a family's house in Fountain, Colorado, is in the middle of a neighborhood squabble. Vincent and Heidi Giesegh say their neighbors are threatening legal action if they don't remove the ramp.

They say the next door couple are worried that the ramp will hurt the value of their home. The Giesegh's say they need it for their 16 year old daughter Kirsten who has cerebral palsy. "As she goes into her spastic modes, we could just tumble down the stairs and both of us could get massively hurt," said Heidi Giesegh.
The family says the City of Fountain told them it was okay to install the ramp and widen their driveway for a handicap van. "It's kind of irritating," said Vincent Giesegh. "I mean we're trying to do our best to assist our daughter with her daily needs to get in and out of the house."

The Giesegh's home is part of a community under construction. The home's builder say they've also received complaints from the neighbors. The Giesegh's say they've contacted the Rocky Mountain American Disability Center for help. The next door neighbors have refused to comment.

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