Sunday, August 25, 2013

Science News

Scientific Minds Want To Know

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered that the way the gut “tastes” sweet food may be defective in sufferers of type 2 diabetes, leading to problems with glucose uptake. This is the first […]

A lightweight and field-portable device invented at UCLA that conducts kidney tests and transmits data through a smartphone attachment may significantly reduce the need for frequent office visits by people with diabetes and others with […]

Music really can bring people together. According to new research by Stanford psychologists, people’s attitudes toward another racial or ethnic group improve when they participate in the other group’s cultural activities, such as – in […]

The discovery of brain impairment in mice may eventually lead to better therapies for people with schizophrenia and major depression. Studying rodents that have a gene associated with mental illness, Michigan State University neuroscientist Alexander […]

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