Saturday, August 31, 2013

Swill O’Really Forced to Apologize for His repugicans Not Invited to March on Washington Lie

Swill O’Really has finally told a lie that was so big and untrue that even he had to apologize for it on Faux News. Here is the video from Media Matters:
O’Really said, “Last night during my discussion with James Carville about the Martin Luther King commemoration, I said that there were no repugican speakers invited. Wrong, I was wrong. Some repugicans were asked to speak. They declined, and that was a mistake. They should have spoken. Now, the mistake, entirely on me. I simply assumed that since all the speakers were Democrats, repugicans were excluded. So here’s the tip of the day. Always check out the facts before you make a definitive statement. And when you make a mistake, admit it. By the way, I’m sorry that I made that mistake. It’s very annoying because I know you guys watch The Factor for accuracy.”
Anybody watching Faux News for accuracy has bigger problems than Swill O’Really lying to them. O’Really could have easily gotten the story correct if he would have looked at any other sources besides the network he works for and wingnut media. I suspect that Swill-O knew the truth before he ever went on the air last night, but the repugican talking point of the day was about how they were not invited to the event, so that is what he ran with.
By the morning virtually every media outlet was reporting that repugicans had been invited to the event, but refused to attend. O’Really apologized to his viewers because it helped him look like he has credibility, but his apology was half baked.
Swill-O never admitted that all repugicans had been invited to the event. The repugican decision to blow off the legacy of Martin Luther King was party wide, and a whole lot worse than O’Really let on. The entire congressional repugican caucus colluded to not show up. This wasn’t just a few leaders declining to speak. It was the whole party giving the King family and all Americans a big middle finger on the anniversary of an important date in U.S. history.
It is a piece of delicious irony that a serial misinformer like Swill O’Really is advising people to get their facts straight before they make a definitive statement. Swill O’Really wouldn’t know a fact if it bit him in the loofah.
At least now we know how big of a lie Swill O’Really has to tell before he will apologize.

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