Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Top 20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Garlic

Did You Know ...
20 Weird But Amazing uses for GarlicNow I’ve always considered myself a garlic aficionado, and have long believed in its nutritious and healthful qualities. I eat garlic almost every day. It’s widely considered a blood tonic and cleanser. And you can be sure that if Count Dracula came knocking, I would keep him at bay with a clove or two.
I was aware of many of the medicinal uses of garlic, such as the use, in alternative circles, of raw garlic as part of a parasite cleanse.
However, not even a lifetime’s adoration of garlic bread and pasta sauce could possibly have prepared me for what follows: A list of uses for garlic that encompasses the weird, the wonderful and the downright spectacular. Road de-icer, splinter remover, hair loss remedy…?
On further reading it turns out that the use of garlic as a road de-icer is perhaps something of a false call: One winter in Iowa, a batch of garlic salt that had been declared unfit for consumption was donated to be used on roads – however in all likelihood it was the salt that was doing the de-icing!
That still leaves 19 good ones! Here then, without further ado, beyond pizza topping… beyond bane of ancient Transylvanian Counts… here is the list of the top 20 weird but amazing uses for garlic.

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