Monday, August 12, 2013

Things Get Even Worse for Sean Handjob As Faux News Drops Him From 9 PM

Lunatic Fringe 
sean hannity
First, Cumulus Media announced they were planning on dropping his hate radio show, and now Faux News is moving Sean Handjob out of his plum 9 PM time slot after Swill O’Really.
Megyn Kelly has landed the 9 PM slot, top sources reveal. The shock announcement is set for later this month. ‘It’s all about Megyn,’ an insider explains. ‘She is the new face of cable news. She has it all!’”
Faux News execs believe that Kelly will inherit the mantle of top rated host from Swill O’Really once he retires. The news that Kelly was moving to primetime originally had everyone focused on Greta Van Stupid’s poor performing, by Faux News standards, 10 PM show. Nobody expected Handjob to get the boot from nine, but looking back, we all should have seen this coming.
Handjob suffered a 35% ratings drop earlier in the year, and he got very defensive about the subject in a recent interview with Playboy:
PLAYBOY: Let’s move on. Fox News’s ratings are down, and your show in particular has taken a hit this year.
HANDJOB: No, actually, our ratings are back up.
PLAYBOY: Your ratings were down 35 percent in February.
HANDJOB: Well, from the year before, which was an election year.
PLAYBOY: Rachel Maddow has beaten you in your time slot.
HANDJOB: Never! Not once!
PLAYBOY: She has in the key 25- to 54-year-old demographic.
HANDJOB: But overall, we’re at double her ratings. You’ve got to be careful how you make these comparisons.
Before Chris Hayes came along and sunk the Rachel Maddow ratings ship, the MSNBC host was beating Handjob in the demo. More importantly, Handjob could never hold O’Really’s 8 PM audience. Handjob could be counted on to lose at least 30%-40% of Bill-O’s lead in audience every night. On bad nights, the drop is even more severe. Frankly, Faux News execs believe that they can keep more of the O’Really audience with Kelly at 9 PM.
Sean Handjob is signed to a long term deal with Faux News. This means that he will still be on the network somewhere. The question is where will Handjob go? Will Faux News move Greta off of 10 PM, and slide Handjob in there? (I suspect not, because it looks like Faux would like to shift away from the divisive repugican cabal talking point trolling that is Handjob’s specialty.)
This is totally out of left field, but Faux News could pair Handjob and Van Stupid at 10, or they could give Sean the Ed Schultz treatment and move him to weekends.
Any way you look at it, this is a huge demotion for Sean Handjob.
The 9 PM slot after Swill O’Really is the best spot on the entire network. On top of this, Cumulus Media is threatening to send Handjob’s hate radio show packing at the end of the year. Handjob is definitely on a downhill slide, and it really couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

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