Friday, August 9, 2013

Thousands urge return of pet monkey removed from adoptive family after 37 years

Animal News
Thousands of people in Brazil have signed petitions demanding the return of a pet monkey taken away by environmental police after living for nearly 40 years with a family. The capuchin monkey, known as Chico, was taken to a nature reserve. Authorities in the city of Sao Carlos said it was illegal to keep wild native animals at home in Brazil.
However, Chico's 71-year-old former owner, Elizete Farias Carmona, said she had treated him "like a son". "They have taken a son away from his mother. But I believe God will allow me to see my Chico again," Mrs Carmona said. Chico had his own bed and was fed with milk, fruits and his favorite Brazilian dishes, she said. Mrs Carmona said she had been given the animal in 1976 by a family friend who worked as a lorry driver.

"I had no idea I was not allowed to keep it," she said. The authorities said they had responded to an anonymous call about Chico. "We received advice that an animal was being kept captive in that house. We went for an inspection in March and found the animal there," explained Lt Leandro Jose Oliveira, from Sao Paulo state environmental police. "The animal had been illegally captured. Mrs Carmona was given a provisional licence to keep the monkey until we found a suitable place for it, which has happened now," he said.

The monkey was taken to a nature reserve in the city of Assis, some 300km (190 miles) away. One of Mrs Carmona's sons, Ernani Furlan, said the family feared for Chico's health in its new home. "He drank milk first thing in the morning and before going to bed. He loved carrots and ate them throughout the day. Will he be getting the same treatment over there?" he asked. "We believe he is not eating over there."

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