Thursday, August 29, 2013

With Consumer Confidence Near a Five Year High, Boehner Threatens to Crash Economy

Americans' confidence is near a fiver year high on growing optimism, so Speaker John Boehner threatened again that repugicans would not be raising the debt ceiling. This time…

Boehner-obama-4The AP announced Tuesday that Americans’ confidence is near a fiver year high on growing optimism. Oh, feeling sunny, eh? Not so fast, citizen.
The repugicans are gearing up for yet another hostage taking moment, since elections don’t work for them. The repugicans are threatening to crash the economy and stick the American taxpayers with another 18.9 billion dollar price tag. They don’t have a good reason for this — in fact, the reasons keep changing.
Republican lawmakers are threatening to crash the economy if ObamaCare isn’t defunded. But Speaker Boehner said Monday that he has new hostages. Boehner said that he can’t get the House to raise the debt ceiling unless changes are made to Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, farm programs and government pensions.
“I made up my mind that we weren’t going to kick the can down the road any more,” the Speaker said, as if the deficit wasn’t actually shrinking. “There is no reason for the government to run out of money. Our goal here is to stop Obamacare. Our goal here is to cut spending.”
Ah, but ObamaCare cuts the deficit. And in 2012 when repugicans were trying to repeal ObamaCare, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that “repugican legislation to repeal the overhaul — passed recently by the House — would itself boost the deficit by $109 billion from 2013 to 2022.” So add that $109 billion to the 18.9 billion they’re going to cost us by delaying raising the debt ceiling, and the repugican cabal is charging us billions of dollars for nothing — nothing but a seemingly endless tempter tantrum.
The debt ceiling represents money lawmakers already spent. In other words, repugicans are once again refusing to pay their own bills by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. That’s not exactly a fiscally responsible position.
The repugicans like to pretend this is about “debt” and the “deficit”. It’s as if they don’t know that we all know that the defict is shrinking . You want to know which debt fear mongering repugican leaders did their part to increase the debt by 3.4 trillion dollars when the repugican cabal was in charge?
According to data compiled by Bloomberg News in 2011, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell voted for, “Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 2001 and 2003 shrub tax cuts and Medicare prescription drug benefits. They also voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. These initiatives added $3.4 trillion to the nation’s accumulated debt and to its current annual budget deficit of $1.5 trillion.”
In June, the month we had a huge budget surplus and Dow rallied above its all-time closing high, Standard & Poor said the shrinking deficit improved the outlook for debt and so it boosted its outlook for the U.S. government. In other words, things were looking up. It was Standard and Poor that had lowered our credit rating after the repugicans’ last debt ceiling games.
Consumer confidence is up, so it’s time for repugican killjoys to stamp the sun out, crashing the economy again because they lost yet another election and they don’t know how to tell their base the truth about the campaign promises they made.

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