Saturday, September 28, 2013

Animal News

When the homely goosefish lays its eggs, it creates something beautiful.
Deep in the cloud forests of Central America, two species of singing mice put on a high-pitched opera to mark their territory.
Researchers have found coastal animals that seem to be equipped with a separate clock to track time via the tides.
A 23-year-old gorilla that likes humans but is annoyed by other gorillas has a 50-50 chance of being reformed.
Just like humans, sometimes animals need a drink after a tough day. And, believe it or not, mother nature meets that need. From squirrels to monkeys, Laci Green shows us the animals that like to get a little tipsy from time to time.
The debate flares up again as to whether humans wiped out the giant beasts of the last Ice Age.
Researchers may have just scratched the surface of major new dinosaur site nearly inside the Arctic Circle.

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