Friday, September 27, 2013

Archaeologists find Chimú tomb in Lambayeque

Another day, another fascinating archaeological discovery out of northern Peru. Excavators working at the Saltur archaeological complex have found a number of tombs, including an intact tomb of a female noble. 
Archaeologists find Chimú tomb in Lambayeque
The intact tomb of a female noble unearthed at the Saltur
archaeological complex [Credit: Andina]
According to Peru21, the woman buried in the tomb was around 30 at the time of her death, and was interred with a number of ceramic vessels, as well as the remains of several fish and birds. Investigators found her body posed with bent knees and her head facing southward. La Republica reports that the tomb is probably around 600 years old.

Archaeologist Luis Chero told press that findings at Saltur and nearby sites could provide important information about ancient civilizations in northern Peru. Unfortunately, looters beat the investigators to at least one of the tombs in the area. 

“In addition to the presence of ceremonial architecture from the Lambayeque culture, we’ve round funerary sites at the dig where we’ve been able to identify four tombs from the Chimú period and one that’s probably from the Chimú-Inca period, but was profaned by looters and we’ve only been able to recuperate some offerings,” Chero said.

RPP Noticias reports that this is the first completely intact tomb that excavators have discovered at the site, as grave robbers have plagued the area for years.

According to Peru21, there are 60 people working onsite at Saltur, and dig leaders estimate they they’ve excavated about 40% of the site.

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