Monday, September 23, 2013

Human News

We've all dreamed of hitting the lotto -- going from broke to livin' large in a minute's time! But, of course, the chances of that happening are really small. How small? Laci looks at the odds.
From fruity to minty to popcorn-y, all smells can be classified as one of 10 types of aroma, scientists say.
Outbreaks in China and Saudi Arabia worry doctors; what does it take for a contagion to make the big jump?
Arg! That's right, matey ... International Talk Like a Pirate Day is here again. So Trace set sail in search of buried treasure and an answer to why people speak differently around the world.
During a coma, the brain's electrical activity can diminish until medical devices show a flat line. But this may not be the end for the brain, researchers have found.
Go pretty much anywhere on the Internet, and you you're likely to find a whole bunch of angry people -- making comments about articles and videos, and blowing up Twitter. Anthony explains why anger is so prevalent online.

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