Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kentucky Fried Chicken Selling Deep Fried Soup

Is it even possible to deep fry soup? Apparently, and that can only be a good thing. Rocket News 24 reports that KFC outlets in Japan sell deep fried versions of corn potage:
One of the current darlings of the Japanese palate is the creamy soup corn potage. A common fixture in Japanese cafes, its popularity exploded when popular popsicle brand Gari Gari-kun expanded its lineup to include a corn potage flavor, which went on to become such a huge hit stores couldn’t keep it in stock.
But while Gari Gari-kun’s parent company hit upon the idea of freezing the soup, KFC Japan has chosen to run in completely the opposite direction, and will be releasing a deep-fried corn potage fritter next month.

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