Students' obsession with fake tanning
is costing a Cardiff landlord thousands of pounds in new mattresses and mattress
covers. At first
John Winter thought the marks were caused by bodily fluids or a
mattress fault. The fashion for faking bronzed skin has even resulted in a change in the type
of mattress being used."It seemed to be a new phenomena in Cardiff which began about four years ago,
although I had come across it before when I checked other properties elsewhere,"
said Joe Harris, lettings manager for John Winter's company.
"John [the owner] didn't have a clue what the strange orange marks were. They
were roughly body shaped and you could see the wrist, ankle and shoulder
areas. There is a high percentage of females out of the 400 students we house, so
the incidents were much higher, and you could see the fake tanning products in
nearly every room," he said. Mr Harris added that the problem was causing so much
damage the type of mattress being used had to be changed.
"John had custom-made mattress which were pocket sprung and it was ruining
those. I went to one house and was met by a parade of mattresses being carried
down the stairs on the way to the skip. Those have been changed into memory foam because the covers can be removed
and washed or replaced, although we still have some where the color has gone
right through and ruined the whole thing."
New mattress covers cost around £30 each, plus VAT, and so the company
taking a proactive approach to try to reduce the damage, he said. "We
try to educate the students and it has been quite successful because
three years ago we had 220 mattress covers ruined, but this year that's
to 147." Mr Harris says that he does not see the problem going away
until the interest
in fake tan wanes.
"There are quite a few orange coloured people walking around Cardiff," he added.
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