Saturday, September 21, 2013

Man narrowly escaped death after running in front of express train

Footage of a man pushing through safety gates at a level crossing and being hit by a train in Brisbane, Australia has been released as a graphic reminder of the dangers.
The 20-year-old man waited for one train at Cannon Hill on August 10, and was still looking after it when a train in the other direction clipped his leg. He was taken to hospital and escaped serious injury - but was given a $2200 fine for his actions after appearing in court last week.
Transport Minister Scott Emerson said the incident could have easily turned into a tragedy. "The incident shows how easy it is for a pedestrian to miss the danger of a second oncoming train and taking an unthinkable risk which could have been fatal," Mr Emerson said.

"The pedestrian gates at Cannon Hill were closed at the time of the incident - all it takes to stay safe at railway crossings is to pay attention to the signs and signals."

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