Sunday, September 22, 2013

Miss America - Too Dark to be Miss India?

The crowning of first Indian-American Miss America Nina Davuluri may have highlighted some
American xenophobia, but comparing her to Indian pageant winners has others discussing Indian
prejudices. "What's interesting is Miss America Nina Davuluri would never win pageants in South Asia
because she'd be too dark to be considered beautiful," journalist Anna John tweeted. Davuluri looks
"too 'Indian' to ever be Miss India," Lakshmi Chaudhry wrote in First Post.
India's skin-color obsession drives a whitening-cream market valued at $432M in 2010.
Beauty queens appear in skin-whitening advertisements; the pursuit of fair skin is pervasive,
particularly in pageants. Chaudhry points to cultural anthropologist Susan Runkle, who followed
contestants preparing for the 2003 Miss India pageant. Skin-lightening was part of the regimen. 

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