Sunday, September 29, 2013

Poker cheats used infra-red contact lenses and cards marked with invisible ink

An Italian man has been sentenced to two years in prison after using infra-red contact lenses to count cards marked with invisible ink, in a poker scam. The self-styled "player and cheat of international renown" impressed even the presiding judge for his sophisticated use of "old techniques and high-end technology" to win thousands of pounds at a casino in the French Côte d'Azur resort of Cannes. The court in Grasse heard how Stefano Ampollini, 56 – code name Parmesan – turned up to "Les Princes" casino in the Mediterranean resort in August 2011, wearing a set of infra-red contact lenses purchased online from China for 2,000 euros.
Opposite him on the other side of the stud poker table was a discreet accomplice, code name "The Israeli", who sniffed or snorted to help Ampollini choose the right cards. Two corrupt casino staff members had already marked the cards with invisible ink. Thanks to his special contact lenses, the card shark was then able to keep track of the game, racking up 70,000 euros between them without being caught.

"Casino security found his behavior rather strange as he won very easily and, above all, because he folded twice when he had an excellent hand, suggesting he knew the croupier's cards," said Marc Concas, lawyer for the Groupe Lucien Barrière, which owns the casino. They called the betting police, who launched an investigation. Thanks to telephone surveillance, they worked out that staff members had handed cards over to the Italians who had marked them with invisible ink. They were then placed under cellophane and returned to the casino cupboard, ready for use. When the Italian returned alone two months later, he won 21,000 euros for himself, but was then arrested by police as he left the casino.
Ampollini reportedly smiled as presiding judge Marc Joando marvelled at his sophisticated exploits. That did no stop the court on Wednesday slapping Ampollini with a two-year prison sentence, and 100,000-euro fine. Two other Italians were also convicted. Gianfranco Tirrito, 55, described as an elegant "professional cheat" and "probably the mastermind", was handed down a three-year prison term and 100,000-euro fine. Rocco Grassanno, 57, who claimed to have come to the Côte d'Azur "for tourism and to meet beautiful women", received a 30-month sentence and a 50,000 euro-fine.

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