Monday, September 23, 2013

Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint Privately Admit That repugicans Won’t Defund Obamacare

Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Gigot blew the lid off the repugicans’ Obamacare bluff by saying on Faux News that even Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint are privately admitting that repugicans can’t defund the ACA. V
While discussing what the repugicans are hoping to accomplish by tying Obamacare to funding the government, Gigot said, “I’ve talked to these people privately. They don’t think going to. Even Ted Cruz and Jim Demint and these guys, they say well, we’re not going to be able to defund Obamacare.” Daniel Henninger of the WSJ added that Cruz’s goal was to launch a grassroots uprising against Obamacare, just like what happened with the threat of military strikes in Syria.
Cruz and Rand Paul tried to stage a big tea party rally in DC to defund Obamacare,10efund-obamacare-rally-attracts-dozens-medicare-elderly-people. But their event drew hundreds, not the thousands that they expected. It had become apparent that Cruz’s efforts have been a total failure, and that is why he is trying so hard to cut and run from his own campaign to defund Obamacare.
Once again, the repugican base has been scammed by their own elected officials. The repugicans know that they can’t defund Obamacare. This is all a scheme to raise money, and get repugican voters fired up for the 2014 election. Cruz was also hoping to become the leader of a popular rebellion that would carry him to the 2016 repugican presidential nomination. Expect lots of tough talk about defunding Obamacare from Ted Cruz, but it’s all bullshit, and he knows it.
The country is facing the prospect of a potential government shutdown, because repugicans want to fire up their base, and/or run for president in 2016. Gigot’s comments are more evidence that repugicans know that they are going to ultimately lose any fight over defunding Obamacare and shutting down the government.
Americans should be outraged by this pointless circus, and should give House repugicans a one way ticket to the unemployment line on Election Day 2014.

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