Friday, September 27, 2013

The Daily Drift

The Stupid ...

Carolina Naturally is read in 193 countries around the world daily.
 Just ask ... !

Today is Ask A Stupid Question Day  

Don't forget to visit our sister blog: It Is What It Is

Some of our readers today have been in:
The Americas
Toronto, Fredericton, Byward Market, Longueuil, Sioux Lookout, Montreal, Brampton, Forest Lawn, Saint John's and Britannia, Canada
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Montevideo, Uruguay
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Santiago, Chile
Tipitapa, Nicaragua
Leon, Mexico
Seattle, Houston, Bloomington and Mobile, United States
Fort-De-France, Martinique
La Paz, Bolivia
Tirana, Albania
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ivrea, Rome, Ravenna and Valenzano, Italy
Stockholm, Sweden
Portsmouth, London and Manchester, England
Carnaxide, Portugal
Dublin, Ireland
Basauri, Alicante, Madrid and Pontevedra, Spain
Warsaw, Poland
Rothe Erde, Germany
Saint Petersburg, Ryazin and Chelybinsk, Russia
Galotesti and Bucharest, Romania
Rouen, France
Massagno, Switzerland
Vinicne Sumice, Czech Republic
Oslo and Bergen, Norway
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Hyderabad, New Delhi, Patna, Mumbai, Pondicherry, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, Jodhpur, Calicut, Kolkata, Kottayam and Shillong, India
Jakarta, Indonesia
Rangoon, Burma
Singapore, Singapore
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Kuching, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tehran and Karaj, Iran
Bangkok, Thailand
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Nairobi, Kenya
Tripoli, Lybia
Al Hammamat and Tunis, Tunisia
Auckland, New Zealand

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