Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Faux News Geniuses Can't Figure Out Why Miami Beach Is Eroding

by Susie Madrak

I don't know anyone anymore who argues that global warming isn't happening -- except the folks at Faux News, who are so heavily invested in protecting their right-wing denialist agenda. But even for them, this is bad.
Media Matters:

Fox News reported on the "very unusual problem" of diminishing sand at Florida beaches, terming it an "environmental ... crisis of the future." However, the network did not mention that phenomenon's connection to sea level rise, a major consequence of climate change.
Because Roger might be watching, and they want to keep their nice jobs?

On Tuesday's edition of Happening Now, correspondent Phil Keating checked in from Miami Beach to relate that some beaches in Florida are "running out of sand." This, he said, threatens the region's booming beach tourism industry and indirectly weakens an important buffer against hurricane damage as municipalities are forced to take sand from offshore to replace what has been lost. The segment went on to explain that Broward County, which contains Fort Lauderdale, has considered grinding up glass to substitute for sand.

To its credit, Faux News explained that erosion is to blame for this sand shortage (rather than, say, aliens). Unfortunately, the network did not mention any of the underlying trends driving such changes, prominent among which is rising sea levels along with coastal development and high foot traffic. As Climate Central reported in 2012, climate change could make matters much worse:

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