Friday, September 20, 2013

The Stranger Living in the Basement

This may sound like a horror movie or a nightmare or an urban legend, but it happened last week in Ohio. A group of Ohio State University students rented a house near campus. To be specific, five students rented the first floor, and ten other students rented the second and third floors. That's fifteen people in a house. Or make that sixteen -with so many people in one house, it's easy to overlook someone. It turned out there was another guy living in the basement, who none of the other residents knew.
The roommates thought a locked door in the basement led to a utility closet. When maintenance workers knocked the door down, they found a bedroom complete with framed photographs and textbooks, said Jimmy Alderman, a fourth-year in civil engineering.

The residents had the locks changed that night and posted a note asking their houseguest to call them, said resident Brett Mugglin, a fourth-year in computer science and engineering. A man named Jeremy contacted them and then moved his belongings out of the room.

“He was a nice enough guy,” Mugglin said. “He just wasn’t supposed to be there.”
Jeremy's cousin had lived in the house the year before, and since the locks weren't changed, he was able to use the old key. One of the residents had actually met the guy earlier, but assumed he belonged to the other unit. More

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