Thursday, September 19, 2013

Value of cannabis seizure downgraded in value from €120,000 to nothing as plants were all male

Police in the Republic of Ireland are still hunting a drugs gang after discovering a botched cannabis growing operation with no drugs. Detectives were delighted when 150 plants were found hidden in two grow houses at the rear of a home in rural Co Donegal.

Officers found the blooming plants up a lane near the village of Kilmacrennan. But those behind the operation hadn't done their homework. All the plants were male.
Male plants are usually dumped early into the cultivation process because they don't contain any of the chemicals which give the user the ‘high'. It now means gardai have had to downgrade the value of the seizure from €120,000 - to nothing.  “There wasn't enough cannabis for a single joint,” one source revealed.

Some of the plants may have taken up to a year to grow. Gardai seized heat lamps, gardening tools and boxes of the fertilizer MiracleGro. It's understood gardai have interviewed one man and wish to talk to at least three others.

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