Sunday, October 27, 2013

Answer: Because He's Black, That's Why

Question: Why do teabaggers hate their President?

The examples are plentiful: Rep. Joe Wilson shouting "You Lie!" to Obama.  

Rep. Ted Yoho (FL) responding with "I'm not gonna comment" when asked if Obama's a "born American." Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) saying he doesn't want to be associated with Obama because "it's like touching a tar baby." 
Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI) telling supporters "I stood 12 feet away from the guy, and couldn't stand being there." 
Or Sen. Dick Durbin recalling how Boner told the president "I can't even stand to look at you."  
And then there was Newt Gingrich's bizarre statement that we can only begin to comprehend Obama's actions if we understand "Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior."
Do I even need to bring up Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Trump, Lush Dimbuld and other repugican leaders?

What does all this point to? 

A visceral hatred of Obama because he's black. 
Anyone who refutes this charge is either a racist themselves, monumentally naive, in supreme denial or all of the above.
The tea party, and even many "mainstream" repugicans I'm sure, are sickened by the fact that
a black man lives in the White House. 

With his black wife. And black children. 
These are bigoted people who grew up in an America where the only black people walking around the White House were servants. 
They're disgusted, angry, resentful and frustrated that a black man is the most powerful person in the world; a job that's been reserved for whites since the birth of America.


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