Tuesday, October 8, 2013

As Support for the repugican cabal Plunges, Ted Cruz Claims the repugican cabal is Winning

Despite the fact that polls show disapproval of the repugican cabal might lose the House, Ted Cruz went on CNN to claim that repugican cabal is really winning the government shutdown.
Candy Crowley asked Sen. Cruz about the criticism from his fellow repugicans, and President Obama about his courting of the media and shutting down the government. Cruz responded, “The fact you are seeing so many nasty partisan jabs from Democrats.” Crowley reminded him that repugicans are criticizing him too, but Cruz continued, “But you just quoted the president, and certainly Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats haven’t been shy using all sorts of ad hominem inflammatory attacks. The fact that you are seeing those attacks, I think is indicative of the fact that we’re winning the argument.”
Ted Cruz and the repugican cabal are winning the government shutdown in the same way that Charlie Sheen was #winning during his bender after he got fired from Two And a Half Men.
Disapproval of the repugican cabal is skyrocketing nationally. A just new poll released found that Democrats lead in 21 of 24 House districts that repugicans currently hold, thanks to Cruz’s government shutdown. Seventy two percent of the American people are opposed to Cruz’s strategy of shutting down the government to delay or defund Obamacare.
During the interview Sen. Cruz repeated his bundle of Obamacare lies, and then claimed that he doesn’t support shutting down the government.
Ted Cruz is trying to have it both ways. He is the man who led the charge to shutdown the government. Cruz is guiding the House repugican strategy on both the government shutdown and the debt ceiling, yet he is publicly claiming that he doesn’t support a government shutdown.
This is not winning. The repugican cabal is losing, and losing badly. The only winner on the repugican side has been Ted Cruz, who has elevated himself to the leadership position of the anti-government far right. Sen. Cruz still has no exit strategy on the government shutdown and the debt ceiling. He seems to be holding the delusional belief that if he just keeps blaming Obama for his mess, the Democrats will give in.
Ted Cruz and his cabal are being routed, but the arrogant senator for Texas is too wrapped up in his lust for publicity and the 2016 repugican presidential nomination to bother to notice.

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