Sunday, October 6, 2013

Democratic House Rep Introduces Bill Which Would Block Pay for Congress During the Shutdown

Why should Congress get paid for not doing their job?  That’s the question Democratic Representative Rick Nolan from Minnesota is asking.  Nolan introduced a bill that would block members of Congress from being paid during the government shutdown.The bill, titled “No Government, No Pay Act,” would prevent members of Congress from being paid as long as the government continues to be shut down.
Representative Nolan explained his proposal:
“The inability of this Congress to collaborate, compromise, and get things done has led me to introduce legislation to prohibit Members from being paid when failure to do their job results in a government shutdown.  It’s time for Congress to start living in the real world where you either do your job, or you don’t get paid.”
Sadly, the bill probably violates the 27th Amendment and doesn’t stand much chance at passing.  But even if it didn’t violate anything, I’m sure most members of Congress would soundly reject such a proposal.

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