Monday, October 14, 2013

Gargoyle on top of pub is scaring residents

A gargoyle atop a pub in Sydney, Australia, is scaring local residents and causing them to avoid the area. The 1920s-style design feature sits on the roof above the main entrance to 456 The Avenue, a new pub on Sydney's north shore.

But the stone creature has caused ruffles among local shoppers and workers on the busy strip in Chatswood, an area popular with those of Asian descent. Locals have been walking around the pub's entrance - so as not to walk directly underneath the gargoyle - or simply avoiding the area.
Amy Chan, 38, who works in community service and is of Chinese descent, walks past the gargoyle almost every day. "I don't actually avoid walking past it, because it's a short cut to walk to the station from my office in Help St, but I tend to not to look at it," she said.

"I don't think the Chinese culture has anything against the gargoyle. To me, I just find it quite scary and intimidating to look at, especially when its getting dark. I remembered one of my colleagues looked up and saw the monster, she was scared and said 'This is not a normal place to have lunch'."

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