Monday, October 7, 2013

House repugicans Are Deciding Whether They Should Totally Cave to Obama Now or Later

A senior House repugican has let it leak that repugicans are so desperate to get out of the government shutdown/debt ceiling standoff that they are debating whether to cave to President Obama now or later.
According to CNN:
One idea being considered to end the immediate fiscal impasse is a bill to fund the government and extend the nation’s borrowing authority for six weeks, a senior repugican member of the House told CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger.
The congressman agreed to speak with CNN on the condition of anonymity.
The repugican lawmaker said a committee could then be set up to negotiate the fiscal issues dividing the two parties and negotiate a plan to keep the government funded for the rest of the year without the proverbial gun to their heads.
This idea of an extension being floated among repugicans would give everyone a temporary political reprieve. It would give them a way to reopen the government but bypass the issue of tying it to a change in Obamacare, as well as avert a crisis over whether to raise the nation’s debt limit by Oct. 17 when the Treasury Department has said it will run out of money to pay its bills.
House repugicans are pretending publicly that they won’t budge on their demand to delay Obamacare, but the truth is that they are flailing around and desperately searching for a way to get out of their promise to conservatives that they will get rid of the ACA. House repugicans have gone from demanding a one year delay of the ACA to looking for an escape hatch that will let them renew this fight later.
It is doubtful that Democrats would accept a six week deal on opening the government and the debt ceiling, because there is no guarantee that anything would be resolved during the six week extension. If Democrats agreed to the short term deal, it’s likely that they would find themselves back in the same place that they are now. The only difference would be that the next showdown would take place during the holiday season.
If you read between the lines, the real question that repugicans are debating is when they should totally cave. A six week extension would mean that they cave now, and hope that they can convince conservatives that they will continue to wage war against Obamacare later.
Politically there is no reason for Democrats to accept a short term funding/debt ceiling deal that would allow House repugicans to live to fight another day. President Obama is leading a unified Democratic Party that is out to put an end to the tea party madness.
The very intentional leaking of this short term proposal is a sign that President Obama and the Democrats have the House repugicans on the ropes. A six week short term deal that would reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling should be rejected by Democrats the very moment that it is offered.
House repugicans are dumping all of their Obamacare demands, but Democrats shouldn’t bail them out. Democrats should reject anything less than the passage of a clean CR, and long term raising of debt ceiling. There is still just one way out for House repugicans. The message from the president and congressional Democrats has stayed the same. House repugicans need to pass a clean CR, and raise the debt ceiling.

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