Sunday, October 13, 2013

Inflatable banana thieves caught on CCTV

The owner of a health spa that had its inflatable bananas stolen has issued CCTV images in the hope of getting them back.
Karen Simporis has put out an appeal for anyone with information to come forward about the theft of the 6ft bananas from Henry House in Worthing, West Sussex.

She has now issued the images in the hope it might help track down the two men responsible for the crime. Ms Simporis said: “We are a green business and try to promote all kinds of green things. If you cycle to Henry House we will give you a free Fairtrade banana.
“The giant bananas were to encourage people to use sustainable transport. We stuck them outside so people would take notice but they have gone. They had only been up there for five days when they were stolen. All we want is our bananas to be returned.”

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