Monday, October 7, 2013

Mulberry High School students banned from homecoming

Mulberry, Florida - Two students running for homecoming king and queen at Mulberry High School were disqualified a day before the voting was to take place for what school officials called an "inappropriate activity".
Montana Fulkerson has her homecoming gown: a strapless, turquoise colored tulle and beaded dress.
"The idea was to feel like a princess like a queen," she says.
Her best friend, Dalton Wiggs, has a matching tuxm but they won't be going to the dance. School officials have banned the two seniors from all homecoming activities.
"It's our only chance to run for Homecoming King and Queen and they took that away from us," Wiggs says.
The two teens say because they were running against 19 other couples, they decided to try a new campaign strategy to win votes, so they handed out condoms with a catchy slogan.
"It says, 'Wrap these votes up. Tana and Wiggs'. We figured promoting safe sex wouldn't be a problem -- would be humorous. At the same time, some people found it inappropriate," Fulkerson says.
In a written statement, Polk County School District officials said:
"When school administrators became aware, they immediately instructed the students to stop this inappropriate activity. Homecoming is an extracurricular activity and participation is a privilege."
"They said we were promoting teenagers to have sex but if anything to promote safe sex," Fulkerson says.
Fulkerson says she's worn a purity ring since 7th grade.
"I don't believe in premarital sex," she says. "I don't believe in just giving yourself up to just anybody."
Dalton says the punishment is too harsh and that if he knew this was going to happen he would have done things differently.
Montana and Dalton came to school dressed in their homecoming outfits hoping to persuade school officials to change their minds, but they wouldn't budge. The teens say they will dress up again on Saturday and meet their friends after the homecoming dance and join them in the celebration.

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