Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shoplifting bear eats apples and leaves

A small black bear recently went on a late night shopping trip for apples at the Vons supermarket in Mammoth Lakes, California.

As employees stocked shelves in the early hours of Friday morning, a nearly two-year old bear, familiar to Wildlife Officer Steve Searles walked through the electronic doors and helped himself to some apples.
Searles said the bear is one of the cubs that survived after its mother was killed in a traffic accident last year. He said the bear grew up with another mother bear. He called it a very tame animal. Earlier this year the bear walked into homes where the doors were open and took a loaf of bread and some fruit.

Searles said the bear then stopped entering homes and spent the last two months in the Lakes Basin. He only returned to town a week ago. Vons employees peacefully coaxed the bear outside after his 1.00am entrance into the store.

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