Thursday, October 31, 2013

Speaking in Iowa, Ted Cruz Ridiculously Implies Government Shutdown Was a Success

by Allen Clifton

The more I read about Ted Cruz and some of the comments he makes, the more I honestly believe he’s completely delusional.  Sure, when you’re a politician you use a lot of hyperbole and rhetoric, but Cruz just takes it to a whole other level.
Even before the shutdown began, many within his own party (and basically anyone with any level of common sense) said that trying to defund or delay “Obamacare” by way of a government shutdown was completely pointless and had no chance at being successful.
Yet despite every piece of evidence saying that there was absolutely no chance at defunding or delaying “Obamacare,” it still didn’t sway Ted Cruz’s obsession with his futile attempt to try to defeat the health care law.
Then once the shutdown began, carrying on for over two weeks, Cruz never once backed off his stance that the government should remain closed until “Obamacare” is defunded.  Even as nearly every national poll showed Americans strongly disapproving of the government shutdown to try to “defund Obamacare,” and blaming repugicans for the shutdown—Cruz still seemed to believe that repugicans were “winning.”
And while he seems to believe that, most of the American people would strongly disagree—as would many members of his own party.
But that didn’t stop him from speaking in Iowa recently to some influential repugicans in that state, implying that the government shutdown was worth it and a success because it got people talking.
Yeah, it sure did—it got people talking about what an imbecile he is and how the repugican cabal is headed toward a “civil war” within the cabal.
Nothing “good” came out of this shutdown.  It was embarrassing not just for our government, not just for the repugican cabal or Congress—but for our entire nation.
And the only thing people are talking about negatively as it relates to the healthcare law are the issues going on with the website.  Issues which have nothing to do with the idiocy Ted Cruz has been babbling about for months.
Issues which don’t “prove Obamacare is a failure.”  They just prove the handling of the website was done very poorly.  While the website is linked to the law, the website is not the law.
But the more time that goes on, and the more repugicans embrace the fact that “Obamacare” isn’t going anywhere, the more Ted Cruz shows himself to be utterly clueless about the world around him.  He seems to literally blame everything that’s going on in this country on the healthcare law.  I wouldn’t be shocked when then inevitable blizzard hits the northeast this winter if you don’t see Ted Cruz saying it was caused by “Obamacare.”
He’s become that ridiculous.  Luckily for our nation, most Americans aren’t buying what he’s selling.  Sure, hardcore wingnuts are, but you’re not going to become President of the United States by pandering to the lunatic fringe reaches of your cabal.  Ask Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney how that worked out for them.
In fact, you’re already seeing more “moderate” repugicans starting to distance themselves from Ted Cruz. As evidenced by the Governor of Iowa barely acknowledging Cruz during his speech at the same event.
So, while I believe Ted Cruz will unfortunately be a fixture in our national headlines for quite a few years to come, I honestly believe his star is going to quickly fade as the repugican cabal is realizing that his “brand of wingnut” will ultimately push their entire cabal to the brink of extinction.
But I know that won’t stop Ted Cruz from blabbering on about “Obamacare” like some raving buffoon, because he’s living in a world all his own.  A world that seems to only exist in his delusional mind.

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