Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ted Cruz Holds Wheeler Appointment Hostage to Protect Koch Money

The Kochs' lead hostage taker in the Senate is blocking Tom Wheeler's nomination to be chairman of the FCC.…
dark money
Since holding hostages to get what the far right wants worked so well for the Koch brothers and their corporate allies when they tried to deny Americans access to affordable Healthcare by blowing up the economy, they’re trying it again.  This time, the Kochs’ lead hostage taker in the Senate is blocking Tom Wheeler’s nomination to be chairman of the FCC.  Ted Cruz’s office confirmed that Cruz would release Wheeler’s nomination in exchange for a stop to transparency in spending on political ads, like that creepy Uncle Sam ad the Koch Brothers bought in their failed attempt to deny Americans access to doctors.
Of the secret $311 million dollars spent on campaigns in 2012, 85% favored the repugican cabal.
Cruz first demanded the ransom  during Wheeler’s confirmation hearing back in June.

Cruz: As you know there are few if any issues that inspire more passionate partisan divisions in this body this body has repeatedly failed to pass the DISCLOSE Act because a substantial number members of this body believe it is unconstitutional and bad policy in your judgment does the FCC have the authority to implement the DISCLOSE Act heard otherwise regulate political speech
Wheeler: I’m as I have said before on that’s an issue that I look forward to learning more about there is a pending proceeding on that exact question arm and and I need to look at that proceeding and become informed but I do not miss the expression on both sides love this DS as to the strong feelings and I know this is that this is an issue of tension
Cruz: Well mister wheeler as you know every repugican on this committee along with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a letter to your predecessor on this issue and you and I visited in my office you said you need to study the issue more I would ask you to submit in writing an answer to this question and I would notice you and I visited privately this is the one issue that in my opinion has the potential to derail your nomination
Wheeler’s nomination was on the Senate’s calendar Thursday, but remains blocked because Ted Cruz is protecting the Koch Brothers and their use of dark money for deceptive political ads.   Cruz’s office confirmed  that he was responsible for the obstruction. His spokesman, Sean Rushton,  admitted the reason was to protect the Koch brothers from ad funding transparency.
Yes, the Senator is holding the nominee until he gets answers to his questions regarding Mr. Wheeler’s views on whether the FCC has the authority or intent to implement the requirements of the failed Congressional DISCLOSE Act
In other words,  Wheeler handed the Koch’s and Ted Cruz another fail by refusing to meet their ransom demand so they’re going to retaliate by stalling the FCC’s ability to decide on issues like a planned auction of government television airwaves.
Obviously, preserving dark money advertising is so important to the Koch brothers, even the complete collapse of repugican cabal and tea party support isn’t going to stop them.

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