Sunday, October 6, 2013

The End of repugican Wall Street Money?

While some on Wall Street may be philosophically aligned with the more libertarian/wacko
bird wing of the repugican cabal, to a man (and woman!), none of them wants the government shut down
and certainly none of them want a default (although undoubtedly many players are taking positions
to profit from this should it happen - that's only being realistic and smart, no?).

The point here is that today's repugican cabal (yesterday's John Birch Society) is a Frankenstein monster
created by rich corporate America, but one that is too stupid to understand that they are only
supposed to reduce taxes on rich people and benefits for the middle class and poor people,
not burn down the whole fucking castle.

My prediction is that more Wall Street money will flow into Democrat coffers in 2014 and 2016
as a result.  At the end of the day, money people like politicians who act rationally and are controllable,
and believe me, that no longer describes the majority of the repugican cabal but sadly (at least as to the
"controllable" part), does describe most Democrats (with the possible exception of Sarah Warren).

Keep the faith.  When Texas turns blue (in my lifetime for sure), we'll be remembering
the tea party in the same way that we remember the passenger pigeon.

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