Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Ten Most Expensive Vehicles To Operate

You might think your Hummer costs a lot to drive, but it's small potatoes compared to the world's top ten! Jalopnik assembled a list of the ten most expensive vehicles to operate, ranked by cost per mile. There are quite a few factors that go into that figure.
For example, the Queen Mary II cruise ship costs $245 per mile, but if you divide that by the number of passengers it carries, it's actually pretty cheap transportation (so many passengers is also the reason I don't care to go on a cruise). The NASA crawler that moved the space shuttle to and from the launch pad is very expensive because it traveled a very short distance with an extremely heavy cargo -it gets 42 feet per gallon. An aircraft carrier has decent fuel usage, but they are expensive to build and it takes a lot of personnel to operate it.
Try to guess what other vehicles would be on the list, and how they would rank, before you go see the list at Jalopnik. Hint: there is only one street-legal car on the list.

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