Friday, November 22, 2013

A repugican Arrested for Possession of Cocaine

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Another one bites the dust. Florida repugican Trey Radel was arrested on October 29 for possession of cocaine in DC, according to D.C. Superior Court documents obtained by Politico.
John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman of Politico broke the news this afternoon, “Radel, 37, was charged with misdemeanor possession of cocaine in D.C. Superior Court on Tuesday. He is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.”
Radel has represented Florida’s 19th congressional district since 2013. He was formerly a television reporter and wingnut radio host, as well as an actor who trained with Second City in Chicago.
Radel is infamous among wingnut circles for defending Rachel Maddow from inappropriate attacks on Twitter.
At least crack smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is no longer alone.
Radel issued statement, “Believe me, I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my actions.” Jake Sherman tweeted that Radel “says he’s going to get help, and is an alcoholic.” Apparently beer and coke is the new beer.

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