Friday, November 29, 2013

Bill Donohue calls to fire Maher over Dan Savage’s rant on ‘kiddie-fucking priests’

Bill Donohue needs to go fuck himself ....

Bill Donohue calls to fire Maher over Dan Savage’s rant on ‘kiddie-fucking priests’

HBO's Bill Maher

The catholic league president Bill Donohue on Monday demanded that HBO cancel Real Time with Bill Maher after the late night comedian invited on a gay guest who blasted priests who sexually abuse children.

On his Friday night show, Maher pointed out to sex columnist Dan Savage that a catholic bishop who opposed marriage equality in Hawaii had said that children with same sex parents were at a greater risk of suicide.

“That’s total bullshit,” Savage shot back. “He’s confusing children with gay parents with children who are raped by catholic priests.”

“Sorry, I am just done being lectured about children and their safety by catholic-fucking bishops, priests, cardinals.” he continued. “The pope, himself, has let it go. The new pope, who I kind of dig, has let it go.”

Savage noted that roman catholic bishop Thomas John Paprocki had recently performed an exorcism on the state of Illinois after Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed a bill legalizing same sex marriage.
“To exorcise the state of gay people of having full civil equality!” Savage said. “No exorcism, exorcising the demons of, like, kiddie-fucking catholic priests. They never got around to that exorcism.”

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